Fr. Oswald Baker with His Grace, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

In short Father Baker was a Priest of the Diocese of Northampton (which under Pope Pius XII included the counties of Cambridgeshire & Norfolk), he was the Parish Priest of St. Dominic's Roman Catholic Church in Downham Market.  Downham Market is located in the county of Norfolk, near the border Cambridgeshire.  When the New Mass came out in 1969, Fr. Baker refused to say it and continued to offer exclusively the Tridentine Latin Mass as codified by Pope St. Pius V in 1570.

In 1975 Father Baker was allegedly suspended by Bishop Charles Grant (himself consecrated a bishop in 1961 & appointed "Bishop of Northampton" in 1967).  Bishop Grant told Fr. Baker he can no longer say Mass in his Church, so Fr. Baker obediently said Mass in his Presbytery instead !

With the help of donations a house was purchased for his presbytery & chapel, this house was 48 Bexwell Road, Downham Market which was known as the "St. Pius V Chapel".  He said Mass there until his death in 2004, he is buried in the Main Council Cemetery in Downham Market.  If one visits his grave it is located on the left side of the cemetery.  The cemetery is divided into two half which are "Church of England" (on the right) & "Other Denominations" (on the left).

Obituary of Fr. Oswald Baker - The Telegraph 2004

BBC Colour Video Interview of Fr. Oswald Baker with His Grace Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1976
